Accidental Map
Experimental photo transfer on sculpey clay that I tinted with Calabaza Orange/Pinata Alcohol Ink and a few other colors. My photo transfer was botched, but the mess I like now because it looks like the map of imaginary countries.
Visual Coffee
This is my pix from Santa Fe, NM and my "visual coffee" for the morning!
Dog Quilt
The detail photograph of this quilt block is below, but I wanted to share it full frame first so you could see the overall contrast of the shapes.
Flopping Ears
Here is the full pattern. The ears are only attached at the top and flop easily when you wrap yourself in the quilt, or gently fold it.
See Spot Run!
A few years ago my Mom, and my son teamed up to create a "celebratory dog quilt" since our family had just adopted a black-and-white Springer Spaniel from the pound.The craftsmanship she used to create this quilt is gorgeous.
Skinny's Letters
Skinny was my great-grandfather, and he wrote me the most beautiful letters when I was a child.
1February 20th, 2009
Musical Chair
As I shot from a low angle, and through a wooden chair, I wanted the viewer to feel like they could touch the music and be a part of the rehearsal.Just lacking a pencil and bowings....
Cello Bridge
I find myself looking for little pictures within an image.By using a shallow depth of field, I was able to isolate the strings and the hair of the bow.
Open and Empty
How poetic this mussel & empty like a butterfly. Pix is for a water card series. Can't wait to make more...