For as long as I can remember the wild west was more than just a coloring book page, it was where cowboys killed rattlesnakes easily, it never seemed to rain, and wide open spaces just seemed to go on forever...

Hilarious is all I can think of about this picture. I'm not a fan of pre-made stamps or papers that look formula, so now I am breaking my own rule.  Here is a photo border I created of chicken feet and eggs.


I'm not really a landscape or sunrise/sunset photographer.  I appreciate, however, those photographers that make those landscape pix extremely well & with a fresh way of seeing the land.  This is neither of the above, but simply a record for me of the tissue-paper color of the sky.

No one was there and I felt so peaceful.  The floor was loud and these stairs scarred with shoes and chairs kept drawing me closer.

A remote spot in Montana underneath an arch looking toward the sky.

Lacking a big, thick pile of poetry beginnings on my desk, but I'm letting this wavy grass and the forgotten fence do the writing for me.

My Photo
United States
As a little girl, I collected bits and pieces of found objects; today I photograph, repurpose and make them my own. I'm addicted to color and crafting. My hope is something here makes you smile, dream, or create!
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