My passion for thrifting reaches back to my childhood in the days when I would go around pulling things out of the trash like a cracked Magic Eight Ball, and pull up the roots of beautiful seedlings as I was so curious about what the dirt was covering up. It's no wonder, then, thrifting has such an appeal for me. The hunt for that one unique prop, fabric or glass pitcher that needs a new home is very satisfying. Yesterday, I stumbled upon this glass pitcher on the left with gorgeous, blue stripes and oval, yellow circles. The design is simple. Most people would find it pleasing with simple yellow flowers in it.
Also, I snagged about three yards of very light pink, suede/leather for $1 in the form of a jumper. I plan on cutting it up for various projects, but Project 1A is to make a journal cover, or several???
I brought oranges into the photos I took, and well the dream idea is from a blog that suggests themes every month. I tend to gravitate to what inspires me spontaneously, thus I am sharing several pix of the pitcher with oranges. The colors make me happy! :) Enjoy.
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